Usage ***** ssh-deploy-key [ options ] [ remote host[s] ] Options ======= :: usage: ssh-deploy-key [-h] [-a AUTHORIZED_KEYS] [-d] [-k KEY_FILE] [-m TIMEOUT_SECONDS] [-o PORT] [-p PASSWORD] [-s SSH_DIR] [-t THREADS] [-u USERNAME] [hosts [hosts ...]] Distribute an ssh key to remote hosts. positional arguments: hosts Zero or more remote hosts to receive the ssh key. If this value is unspecified, remote hosts will be read from standard in. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a AUTHORIZED_KEYS, --authorized_keys AUTHORIZED_KEYS Name of the remote authorized keys file. (Changing this setting is uncommon.) -d, --append Add the ssh key to the end of the remote authorized keys file instead of overwriting it. Default is false. Key will only be added if it's not already present. -k KEY_FILE, --key_file KEY_FILE Path to the local public ssh key file. Default is ~/.ssh/ -m TIMEOUT_SECONDS, --timeout_seconds TIMEOUT_SECONDS Timeout value (in seconds) for connecting to each host. Default is 3 -o PORT, --port PORT The ssh port to connect to the remote hosts on. Default is 22 -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD Password to use on remote hosts. If not specified here, you will be prompted for this interactively. -s SSH_DIR, --ssh_dir SSH_DIR Directory to copy the key into on the remote host. Default is ~/.ssh -t THREADS, --threads THREADS Number of threads to use for simultaneous key distribution. Default is 100. -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME Username to use on remote hosts. Default is Remote hosts can be given in either the 'hostname' or 'user@hostname' format. If 'user@hostname' format is used, this value for 'user' will override anything specified in the -u/--username arguments. Examples ======== These are some of the common ways to use ssh-deploy-key Specifying remote hosts interactively ------------------------------------- ssh-deploy-key can run interactively. The user will be prompted for additional hosts until typing 'exit' or ^D. :: [~/git/ssh-deploy-key/bin]$ ssh-deploy-key Enter common password for remote hosts: Distributing key '/Users/travis/.ssh/' to remote hosts in overwrite mode. Enter one hostname per line. Terminate with 'exit' or ^D. copying key to travis@ [SUCCESS!] copying key to travis@ [SUCCESS!] exit Note that if you do not specify a password for the remote host on the command line, you will prompted for it interactively. Specifying remote hosts on the command line ------------------------------------------- :: [~/git/ssh-deploy-key/bin]$ ssh-deploy-key othello@ Enter common password for remote hosts: Distributing key '/Users/travis/.ssh/' to remote hosts in overwrite mode. copying key to travis@ [SUCCESS!] copying key to othello@ [SUCCESS!] Note the mix of 'host' and 'user@host' formats for the remote host. With Shell Redirection ---------------------- ssh-deploy-key accepts piped input. For example, if you had a script to generate a list of hosts, you could run it this way :: | ssh-deploy-key From a data File ---------------- If you have a data file listing your hosts already, you can redirect standard in from the file :: ssh-deploy-key < host_list Specifying the username and password on the command line -------------------------------------------------------- :: ssh-deploy-key -u root -p p@ssw0rd host1